Yes, Yes, Yes, Obviously, Yes, Of Course I am.

look, listen, look.


With almost complete inevitability, I am actually going to do be doing some shows at the Edinburgh Fringe. I’m sorry about the late announcement of this. I’ve had stuff on and also, I’m slotting into a couple of relatively last-minute gaps at The Stand (5pm) and Paines Plough Roundabout at Summerhall (10.35pm) and its all come together late in the day.  It’s not a deliberate, tactical bid to appear like a naughty rebel doing his own thing outside the auspices of the Fringe and playing by his own dangerous rules. 


That appearance is just a happy by-product of actually being a naughty rebel doing his own thing outside the auspices of the Fringe and playing by his own dangerous rules. 


The one at the stand is likely, but not definitely, going to be more stand up based and the one at Roundabout is likely, But. Not. Definitely. Going to be more theatrical in nature. There may be some stuff from the recent Regents Park show in Either, Neither or Both of these shows and I imagine I’ll be muddying the boundaries of genre with text book audacity, knowing me.


If you are furious that you’ve either already filled a spreadsheet with shows and have no room for this or that you’ve already booked your accommodation and aren’t up there on a date that I’m performing – then firstly, obviously, please accept my heartfelt apologies for not being more on top of things. And, secondly, SETTLE DOWN DANORACKS – neither of these shows will be worth feeling sad about missing. Your time will likely be better spent wherever you already plan to be at that time. I’ve deliberately not called them work in progress shows because they will almost certainly not lead to anything and therefore do not warrant the implications of honourable toil and eventual completion bestowed by that description.


I can’t make it any clearer than that.


Here are the details.  


Firstly, the show at the Roundabout is called Shenanigan. It’s on at 10.35 pm. From the 4th to the 18th of August (not Tuesdays or Fridays) and will be between 60 and 90 minutes long.

Here’s the blurb.






On most Tuesdays, I go to a café before football for lunch with my friends Tim and Isy. Last week, the café had a really appealing special on the board which involved roasted cauliflower, pickled cabbage and babaganoush. The lady behind the counter referred to it as “The Shenanigan”.


Which I very much enjoyed.


This show will have absolutely nothing to do with that meal, that lady, that café, those friends, playing football or Tuesdays but I have to call it something otherwise they can’t put it in the system.



Something new, vaguely experimental, unfinished and frankly, quite unlikely to ever be finished, by Daniel Kitson.


Tickets are 8 pounds and go on sale today, July 17th, at 3pm at this link.


The link will not work before 3pm.  







The show at the Stand, is called Everything Smells of Orange, It’s on at 5pm. From the 5th to the 25th of August. (Not Tuesdays) and will be 60 minutes long.

Here is the blurb for that one. Such as it is.




Everything Smells of Orange.



Daniel Kitson, having not made anything unequivocally good for years and years and years, now displays a charmless lack of respect for a tolerant if dwindling audience, a supportive venue and, actually, the greatest arts festival in the world, by filling a slot at the last minute, doing very little work, making no discernible progress and charging everyone five pounds to watch.



All tickets are 5 pounds.


The stand will hold 15-20 tickets back for sale on the door on the day of the show, please contact them for details on how that’ll happen.


The rest of the tickets will go on sale today, July 17th, at noon at the following link.


The link will not work before noon.





And that’s that for now


All the best.


Stay cool.












Disgraceful Stuff, All things Considered.


The Summer Time.