My Latest Mighty Deeds Of Grace and Compassion


Can you believe its already the 9th* of January?!?!?!?!?

Where’s the year gone?

Makes you think doesn’t it?

Yes. It does.

One of my new year resolutions was to continue being Christ like in my benevolence and sure enough, true to form, I’ve already gone and whacked a couple of benefit gigs in the diary like the relentless chuffing champion that I am.

Good. On. Me.

The first one is in aid of the Trussell Trust (food bank bods) and The independent Food Aid Network. It was organised as a response to the election result, not by but for those charities and it’s at the Union Chapel on Saturday the 18th of January. I’m compering it and there’s a variety of bangers on the bill. I wanted to call it SCOFF! but they went another way and called it Make Some Noise with quite a long subtitle that I can’t remember but you can get tickets and more information about who’s on, - here:

The second one is two days later on the 20th of January, its at the Backyard Comedy Club in east London and is in aid of Australian Bushfire Relief. I thought they should have called it SCOFF! but they’ve gone another way and called it Love From London, which is pretty nice actually. Again, it’s a very very good bill of which I am but a small part. No come on, its not about me. No come on guys. Come on. You can find out all the details about timings and whos on and so on and get sweet tick tocks** here:

That’s the extent of my good works but I am also doing a few work in progress shows at the Bill Murray in Islington throughout January. Do keep in mind that “work in progress” is, as ever, hugely overstating what this is likely to be. They are certainlt not working towards something specific and whilst I might like to tell myself they are a useful, exploratory first step towards some new stand up – I’m likely to get distracted by someones nice jumper or singing a song and not talk about any of the things I thought might be interesting or worthwhile. So, with that in mind, don’t get excited by the cheap tickets and bring people along to show them your favourite underground cool guy comedian without fully briefing them on the nature of the endeavour otherwise they’ll doubt your taste and question your friendship.

And neither of us want that.

There’s no specific webpage for the dates and they’re scattered a bit through January at various times, but if you go to following link and have a nose about at their calendar page, you’ll probably find them, they should be up there in the next day or so.

That’ll do I reckon.

I’ll probably email you again relatively soon with more news about other things***.

But in the meantime…………



* - Dates vary according to location and time of reading.

** - Industry lingo for tickets, you can impress people with this, they’ll think you work in show business.

*** - There are currently no other things and I’m mainly doing pottery and playing football but the money will run out at some point, relatively soon – so stay tuned!


London, London Again and then Melbourne


Disgraceful Stuff, All things Considered.