Inside, on my own, talking for a bit.

So – firstly, I’ve had a couple of people ask if they can order things from the record shop (available here on my website until September 30th) to be delivered overseas. Well, im here to tell you, that you absolutely can, you can order them from ANYWHERE*. Also, whilst I’ve got you, feel free to mention the shop to people you know, who you think may be interested. I know that historically, I’ve had various rules and stipulations and a self important reluctance to engage with anything approaching fame but that legendary behaviour is sometimes mistaken as me wanting every single piece of work I ever make to remain a secret forever but that’s not the case. I think this particular show is really enjoyable and this record/cassette/cd release is the only way people will have to hear it, once its finished and I’d like anyone who wants to hear it, to be able to to hear it**. Rather than hearing about it when its too late and being cross with me.

Although actually, having said that, you could probably just lend them your copy. I guess.***

Secondly – in order to finish working on the show and hear myself performing it out loud every day whilst I’m working on it – I’m going to be doing some more online, audio only, work in progress shows throughout September. Now they are work in progress, so I’ll be rewriting during the days. Making changes, trying things, discarding things, realising crucial things just in time. But whilst these won’t be the final, finished show – they will be pretty late stage work in progress, so you will get the full story. Also, excitingly****, I’m going to do them in blocks of four, Monday to Friday, at different times so that some will be more conveniently timed to people living in Australia and/or America.

Tickets will be £5 and the money will go to a grass roots charity working in Calais called Refugee Info Bus who are excellent. Doing very specific, targeted, practical work. You can find more about that particular charity here.

Tickets should be on sale by the time you read this. Here are the dates and times. Times given are uk times. And whilst the 11pm shows will be more convenient for East coast of America and the Noon will be easier for Australia, all shows will be accessible from anywhere.

September 6th – 9th at 6pm – click here

September 13th – 16th at 11pm – click here

September 20th – 23rd at Noon – click here

September 27th – 30th at 6pm - click here

Okey doke. That’s it for now.

I’ll doubtless send another reminder about the shop in the week before it closes so don’t you worry about that one little bit.



*-Yes. Even there.

**- As long as they own some suitably antiquated playback device, like a record player or a car.

***-As long as you also lend them some suitably antiquated playback device, like a record playe, or a car.

****- I stand by that word, actually.




I've Opened a Record Shop - (Sort of)