of Failure.
An expanding collection of past and future work which already contains:
- Concert films of Tree, It’s Always Right Now Until It’s Later and The Interminable Suicide of Gregory Church .
- Archival films of Stories for the Wobbly Hearted from the Traverse Theatre, Analogu.e at the National Theatre and Dot.Dot.Dot at the Union Chapel.
- Streamable audio recordings of Dancing, Midnight at the Stand, Weltanschauung, It’s the Fireworks Talking, The Impotent Fury of the Privileged, We Are Gathered Here and After the Beginning, Before the End
- Music from Collaborator
- A fully scanned, heavily annoted and lightly stained script of It’s Always Right Now Until It’s Later.
New stuff will be added on the first Monday of every month including:
Videos of Outside, After the Beginning Before the End, Something, Love Innocence and The Word Cock, 66a Church Road and C90.
obscure audio and video from a million years ago which i’ve recently found on VHS, Mini DV, CD and Minidisc.
Scans of poster art, some of the less humiliating notebook pages and some full, annotated and stained scripts.
A new Audio storytelling idea, only available here and released in chapters throughout the year.
Predictably enough, in order to access all that stuff, you will need to Subscribe.
There’s monthly and yearly subscriptions available and you can cancel your subscription at any time.
It’s an expanding archive of past and future work to which you can, if you like, subscribe.
All the shows currently available on bandcamp will be included in the archive from the beginning but if you want to buy an individual show for download or as a gift for someone else, then bandcamp is still the way to do that
The only schedule is that a fresh dollop of previously available and hitherto unseen material will be added on the first Monday of every month.
Possibly. But, it wont be the Concert Films or Live Albums. More likely to be a script or some sort of short form audio thing.
It’s what it sounds like. It’s an idea i’ve had for a story. Which i will tell. Audibly. It will be released in irregular chapters throughout the year and available only through subscribing to An Accumulation of Failure
There will almost certainly be physical releases of some shows contained in the archive from time to time but i’ll do my best to make them a worthwhile separate purchase.